Today, most organizations use email as one of their primary modes of communication. It is unthinkable to conduct business today without some form of electronic communication. What many people don’t know is that email services themselves are constantly evolving. For example, companies used to favor third-party hosted systems or on-premises email environments. However, with the surge of businesses adopting cloud-based infrastructure, many IT departments have switched to cloud-based email solutions. Keep reading to learn more about cloud email and the benefits of adopting it for your company.
It Is Simpler to Administer Cloud Solutions
Using a cloud-based email system means not worrying about maintenance issues, version control and compatibility, and other administrative needs. The cloud service provider handles all of that for you. With cloud email, your IT team can concentrate on tasks that more directly affect your business.
They Provide Scalable Flexibility
Cloud-based email subscriptions usually have a provision for increasing future email capacity. Most cloud solutions are scalable, so you don’t have to think of significant overhauls or changes to your physical space if you want an upgrade. Your organization can adjust user license counts, compute capacity, and storage capacity depending on your needs.
They Significantly Improve Uptime
Besides flexibility, cloud email improves uptime, which enables optimal email usage. A good cloud services provider will use multiple redundant sites. With this setup, you will have better disaster recovery response times and more uptime than if you had an on-premise system.
Cloud Email Solutions Save Money
Cloud-based email operates on a subscription service model. So, you get significant cost savings for maintaining one; you don’t need to have a large capital outlay. With a cloud-based solution, your email will be an annual or monthly operational expense.
They Improve Your Email Security
With cloud email, your corporate emails will be in an off-site, protected location. Ironically, keeping your messages on a server outside your offices is better for your organization’s security. Here, your private communications will be more protected than if they were on-site. Cloud email providers can devote more resources to security and encryption, ensuring that people with the appropriate clearance can access particular messages and threads.
Cloud-based Email Provides Remote Access
When you switch to cloud email, your remote workers will have access to their email from anywhere. Remote access enables them to be more productive since they can work on their own time, and it won’t cost you more to provide this to them. As long as your workers have an internet connection, they can access their email, making it perfect for a mobile or location-flexible workplace. In contrast, if your workers have to report to an office for work, you could encounter more bottlenecks in productivity.
Cloud email is a viable solution for companies and organizations that want to keep their operations compact and agile. If you subscribe to cloud-based solutions, you do not have to worry about spending on servers, maintenance, compatibility, and other issues that people with on-site solutions have to consider. Cloud email is the most future-proof way to provide email services to your company.
Get expert cloud-based email solutions in the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex from On-Site PC Services. We provide IT support and custom networking solutions, ensuring 24/7 support and protection to businesses in the North Texas area. Get your hassle-free assessment today, or contact us to learn more!